ABCs of Kindergarten Readiness

This list is provided to you as a guide to determine how your child is doing in acquiring skills found on most kindergarten checklists. Most importantly, a starting kindergartener should have an enthusiasm for learning, solid oral language skills, the ability to listen, a desire to be independent, play well with others, strong fine motor skills, and basic letter and number recognition. As your child is assessed through the Desired Results Development Profile process, you will become familiar with his/her own readiness to move on to kindergarten.
A: Able to button shirts, pants, coats, and zip up zippers independently
B: Bounces a ball several times
C: Cuts with scissors along a printed line
D: Does puzzles with knobs, without knobs, and with up to 25 pieces
E: Expresses ideas through pictures he or she draws
F: Follows simple rules and multi-step directions
G: Gives correct age when asked
H: Handles his/her own bathroom needs
I: Identifies rhyming words
J: Jumps over a low object, such as a line, string, or balance beam
K: Knows some common sight words such as “Stop” and “Go.”
L: Listens to stories without interrupting
M: Matches two pictures that are alike
N: Names colors of things he/she sees in pictures (a purple balloon, a green car, a red apple, an orange pumpkin, etc.)
O: Oral communication enables him/her to ask for help when needed; to use appropriate volume; to speak coherently and incomplete sentences; and to make simple predictions and comments about a story being read
P: Pays attention for short periods of time to adult-directed tasks
Q: Questions or has a natural inquisitiveness
R: Retells a simple story such as “The Three Little Pigs” after listening to it, while looking at the pictures in the book
S: Shares with others
T: Traces basic shapes
U: Understands actions have both causes and effects
V: Vocabulary allows for answers to questions with more than a “yes” or a “no.”
W: Writes name properly in upper case letters
X: [E]xhibits an enjoyment for music and begins to develop music skills through rhythmic interpretation, listening to tapes and instruments, singing songs, and playing rhythm instruments
Y: Youthful enthusiasm – Demonstrates freedom of personal expression while experimenting with such materials as clay, paper, paint, scissors, glue, and crayons
Z: Zest for learning – Learns to work, play, and share with other children and to appreciate and respect other classmates by participating in group activities as a leader, observer, and contributor. Not every skill must be acquired before entering kindergarten.